From the Superintendent Minister, Rev. Ian Hu
The Star of the Heart
The star has risen in the heart,
The sweet light flushes every part.
The shepherds of the body know,
The rumour reached them long ago,
Abiding in the field were they
When deity informed the clay.
The wise kings of the mind bow down
They yield the wiser king his crown;
Before a cradle they unfold
The myrrh and frankincense and gold.
Susan Mitchell (1866-1926)
Amid the busyness, commercialism and closely watched retail sales statistics, Advent arrives at a time of year which always seems busy, hectic and rushed. Here in the North Liverpool and South Sefton Methodist Circuit, we are in the midst of our first season of Advent together as a new Circuit. And we are experiencing shifts and changes as we move through this season of anticipation.
So at this time, it’s even more important to ensure that we are supporting one another and staying connected. The festive season can be a painful ordeal for some. Conversely, many people can effortlessly get swept up in the holiday spirit. We needn’t be on either extreme, but work to maintain a balance in our lives during this holiday season. It’s important to stay connected, to call on a neighbour, to ring an old friend, and to talk with mates. It’s a good time of year to think of creative gift giving (homemade v. store bought) and have a laugh. It’s a good time of year to gather with friends, family and catch up with mates. And at the same time, it’s important to listen to how we are feeling, and to ensure that we are caring for ourselves and our own well-being!
This quarter’s Circuit Newsletter is the first issue which encompasses all of our circuit churches together. On a quarterly basis, we are hoping that this will be an effective tool for sharing ‘good news’ stories throughout the circuit and to also highlight areas of good practice! As we continue to get to know one another better, we hope to use this as a resource to highlight those special times in the lives of each of our churches and to share stories.
In January 2024, many of us will look forward to our annual Covenant services where we renew our covenant with God. Some of the churches within our circuit have already had their Covenant services, which took place in September 2023 at the beginning of this Connexional year. This is a good example of the richness and diverse experiences within our individual circuit churches as we bring various practices and observations together.
One of the traditions which was previously held in one of our former circuits is an annual Circuit Service in observance of Ash Wednesday. We are planning to incorporate this Circuit Service into the life of the North Liverpool and South Sefton Circuit as we move into Lent 2024. On Wednesday 14 February 2024, you are invited to a Circuit Ash Wednesday Service scheduled for 7 pm and hosted by Moor Lane Methodist Church. Rev. Sue Edwards, Rev. Neil Stubbens and Rev. Ian Hu will preside over this opportunity to intentionally enter into Lent with Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes. Everyone within our circuit community are invited to mark your calendars and plan to join us for a time of worship together. A time of fellowship and refreshments will take place following this service.
During this season of Advent 2023, during this time of waiting and preparing and anticipation of celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, may you and yours know peace, kindness, a warm hug, stellar conversation & catching up. Celebrate the season by taking up something new, learning a new skill or language or simply by being still. And as we embark in a new year in 2024, may you continue to be blessed with vision and discernment. Thank you all for being the church!
With every blessing,